The Travels of Finch


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Meet Finch. Enthusiastic tourist, cocktail lover, not yet wise to the ways of the galaxy.

Finch is a young avian on a mission to see the galaxy. There’s plenty of danger out there on strange planets and in pirate-infested shipping lanes. Granny’s old guide book from her travels a century earlier may be helpful – or could it lead Finch into mortal peril?

The round-the-galaxy tour is a rite of passage for every young avian as they approach their adult moult. Most youngsters do the rounds of the most popular sights and tick off the standard bucket list of experience. Finch wants to follow the road less travelled, but deviating from the usual itinerary has its risks. Are avians safe in the wider galaxy?

Finch’s brushes with feather smugglers and an apocalypse cult bent on destruction only serve to increase their thirst for adventure. Where will life, luck and Granny’s guidebook take them?

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